Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bought some new scrapbook paper, knitted more. Getting crafty. Will post something when it's done.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Lots of things to update about.

Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in May. After meeting her amazing oncologist, her surgery was scheduled for July 26th. All went well. He removed the lump and her lympnodes test was negative. She's well on her way to healing. She has a follow up appointment on the 13th to see if she's going to need any radiation.

I'm doing fairly well with my health. Migraines aren't as frequent. Had a bad one yesterday, but Maxalt knocked that out.

Brighter side, in June I went to the grand opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universals Islands of Adventure. We waited in line 4 hours just to get inside the park, but overall was a fun day. The day before, we snuck our way into the press preview day and saw Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Tom Felton.

Haven't made anything crafty lately. Hope to soon.

Monday, May 17, 2010

More creations!

The Slytherin locket from Harry Potter.

My Harry Potter lightning blot.

TheWizarding World of Harry Potter opens next week for us passholders. Can't wait!

Also, this picture of my Haley just makes me smile. She was stretching and rolling around on my bed in the morning and apparently wore herself out in the process.

Friday, May 7, 2010

I was crafty again

On Sunday I made a few things. A purse for myself and 3 necklace charms. I bought more material for more stuff to make! I'm also happy cause I sold one of my Barbies! Barbie as Glinda the Good Witch fromWizard of Oz. Thanks Ebay!

Friday, March 12, 2010


I'm getting creative. Finding cute little clip arts of random things to make shrinky dink charms out of. Going to creat an account and try and sell them.

Here's my latest creation:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Keep on following

Gasparilla 2010 Knight Parade was a hit. My friend Melissa and I joined my moms Krewe for the parade. It was good times. Making someone smile just by putting a 3 cent piece of plastic bead around their neck was awesome. I saw two high school classmates of mine down there. Very odd, but cool.

Monday, February 1, 2010

When you're feeling empty, keep me in your memory.

So yesterday was pretty productive. Although I spent all day in my jammies, I filed my taxes, knitted more of Michelles scarf, and sewed a shopping bag. Not too bad. I've printed out a few more patterns of things I'd like to make to get my sewing juices flowing.

Monday, January 25, 2010

What is...?

Although, I have a Facebook and a Livejournal, I'm giving this a go. Technically, I still have a Myspace, but I haven't logged in since August. I was bored in the hospital, can ya blame me? That shall be deleted soon.

I've recently began to crave learning about new things. Learning new crafts, or just random facts. I can sit on my phone, searching random things in Wikipedia, Google or wherever. Thankfully, I was shown the ways of Now I can earn stuff, while I search randomly. I even enjoy watching Jeopardy and Cash Cab. You can learn such random things, it's great!

Like today, did you know it's the 50th birthday of the invention of bubble wrap?

Just a random picture for your viewing pleasure:
 This was taken on January 12th. As you can see, I'm scraping ice off my windshield. Go figure, in Florida.